DB Version Enhancement Release Notes

Release Date: 12/21/2012

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software Enhancement Release with the release date of 12/21/2012.

Accounts Payable Release Notes

Applicant List Release Notes

Fixed Assets Release Notes

General Ledger Release Notes

IRS 1099 Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes

Payroll Release Notes

Purchase Order Release Notes

Section 8 Tenant and Landlord Release Notes

TransNet - PIC Release Notes


Accounts Payable

Program Version:

Program Date: 10/18/2012


1. We have added the "1099 Required" field to the Payables Invoice Account Distribution data source in Scribe. (Case 5213)

Applicant List

Program Version: 1.339.12.0

Program Date: 12/4/2012


1. We have added an internal audit tracking feature for additions, updates, and deletions made to applicant Notes. (Case 5919)

Path: Main Menu > Applicants > Browse Applicants screen > Maintain Applicant screen > Applicant tab > Notes icon > Maintain Notes screen

2. In the Rent Estimate tool, we have added the percentage of adjusted income and max rent calculations for Section 8 subsidy. (Case 5509)

We have also added a Print button to the screen for this tool. (Case 6135)

Path: Main Menu > Applicants > Browse Applicants screen > Maintain Applicant screen > Applicant tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Edit Applicant Details > Applicant Detail screen > Tools menu > Rent Estimate

Fixed Assets

Program Version:

Program Date: 12/7/2012

Bug Reports

1. The Posted Depreciation Report sometimes failed to run. This has been corrected. (Case 6050)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Fixed Asset Reports screen > General tab

2. In the Post Depreciation Wizard, an "open cursor" error would sometimes occur when you clicked the Start button. This has been corrected. (Case 6218)

Path: Main Menu > Depreciation > Post Depreciation Wizard

General Ledger

Program Version:

Program Date: 11/1/2012


1. The Encumbrance tab of the Maintain Accounts screen shows entries for origination, adjustment, reversal, and/or liquidation of encumbrance on the account. (Cases 5505 and 5886)

Path: Main Menu > Accounts > Browse Accounts screen > Maintain Accounts screen > Encumbrance tab

Encumbrance can be originated, adjusted, and/or reversed from the Purchase Order program. Encumbrance is liquidated as invoices are created in the Accounts Payable program. (Case 5503) You can also add a manual encumbrance adjustment directly on the Encumbrance tab of the Maintain Accounts screen (using the Add icon). (Case 5506)

We have added the GL Encumbrance Detail data source in Scribe. (Case 5641)

We have added four encumbrance-related columns to WinTen²⁺ Financial Report Writer: Encumber Beg Balance, Encumber Net Change, Encumber End Balance, and Remaining Balance with Encumbrance . (Case 5643)

Note: Before using the encumbrance features, we strongly recommend your staff view the Accounting Webinar for this release, available at www.tenmast.com/clients/release-webinars

IRS 1099

Program Version:

Program Date: 11/29/2011

Bug Report

1. On combined federal/state 1099 submission files, there was an error related to the 6th position of A records. This has been corrected. (Case 3130)

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

Program Version: 1.346.12.1

Program Date: 12/11/2012


1. We have added a Print button to the screen for the Rent Estimate tool. (Case 6135)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Tools menu > Rent Estimate

2. We have added support for MTW (Moving to Work) Public Housing tenants who participate in income-tiered flat rents. (Case 5881)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Rent Calculations sub-tab > MTW Flat Rent checkbox and MTW Sites field

To use this option, your agency must first set up your MTW Flat Rent Tables (including MTW sites, flat rents, and minimum rents, as needed) in Setup.

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Setup screen > Default Settings tab > Tools icon drop-down list > MTW Flat Rent Tables

Note: You must give users rights to maintain MTW Flat Rent Tables, from the Master Setup program:

Path: Main Menu > Roles > Browse Roles screen > Maintain Roles screen > Occupancy & Rent Calculation program > Maintain Program Tasks screen > Setup Task Group > Allow editing of the MTW flat rent tables

Note: For more information on how to set up user security, please see the Setting Up User Security Quick Start Guide. Or, call Tenmast Support toll free at 877-359-5492.

Bug Reports

1. The "ELDAGE" policy in Setup defines the minimum age for a person to be considered elderly. The program sometimes failed to account for this setting, and this sometimes caused calculations for elderly allowance to be incorrect. This has been corrected. (Case 4453)

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Setup screen > Default Settings tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Maintain Policies

2. The amount of Tenant Rent must always be zero for a flat rent tenant. The 50058 was being printed incorrectly with the calculated Tenant Rent for flat rent tenants. This has been corrected. (Case 5568)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Reports Menu icon > Tenant Reports screen

3. An error in the Community Service report prevented the filter options from working correctly, so the report sometimes returned data that should have been filtered out. This has been corrected. (Case 2002)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Reports screen > Tenant tab

4. An error related to tenant Notes would sometimes occur when you reopened a certification. This has been corrected. (Case 6163)

Path: Main Menu > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab


Program Version:

Program Date: 12/18/2012


1. In response to an IRS regulation change, we have made the following change to IRS Code for Box 12 of Form W-2: If the Box 12 code is DD (Cost of employer-sponsored health coverage), the amount will be the sum of employer expense and employee deductions on the W-2. (Case 1856)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Payroll Report Menu screen > Employer tab > Process W2 Forms button

Bug Reports

1. During the first payroll check run of a new year, errors could occur related to income and deduction totals . This has been corrected. (Case 3661)

Path: Main Menu > Checks

2. When editing Compensation Distributions in Setup, the program would sometimes incorrectly return an error saying the allocation amount was 200%. This has been corrected. (Case 6021)

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Payroll Setup Form screen > Settings button > Setup Income, Deductions, and Taxes screen > Comp. Distribution tab

Purchase Order

Program Version:

Program Date: 11/15/2012


1. When adding an approval signature to a requisition or a blanket PO, you can choose to encumber the affected accounts in the General Ledger program. (Cases 5501 and 5502) Encumbrance will be adjusted automatically as individual POs are created from blanket POs, or if any encumbrance POs are canceled. (Cases 5504 and 5507)

Path: Main Menu > Requisition > Browse Requisitions screen > Maintain Requisitions screen > Wizards icon drop-down list > Add Approval Signature

Path: Main Menu > Blanket PO > Browse Blanket PO screen > Maintain Blanket PO screen > Wizards icon drop-down list > Add Approval Signature

Note: Before using the encumbrance features, we strongly recommend your staff view the Accounting Webinar for this release, available at www.tenmast.com/clients/release-webinars

2. The Check Budget feature now reduces remaining budget amounts to account for any funds that are encumbered. (Case 5642)

Path: Main Menu > Requisition > Browse Requisitions screen > Maintain Requisitions screen > Wizards icon drop-down list > Add Approval Signature > Add Approval Signature on PO screen > Check Budget button

Section 8 Tenant and Landlord

Program Version: 1.348.12.0

Program Date: 12/13/2012


1. We have added functionality that allows you to gather for different data areas for the same VMS month. This is done using VMS groups. The VMS gather will now allow you to gather for multiple groups in the same VMS month. To use this feature, you must create VMS groups and assign data areas to them. (Case 5233)

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Section 8 Setup screen > VMS Accounts button > VMS Account Setup screen > Edit menu: Maintain VMS Groups >Maintain VMS Group screen

Note: This change requires your agency to set up at least one VMS group before performing your next VMS gather.

2. The Add Adjustment wizard now accepts zero-dollar adjustments. This allows you to make a VMS-only UML adjustment when no HAP adjustment is needed. (Case 5244)

Path: Main Menu > Landlords > Browse Landlords screen > Maintain Landlords screen > Check Adjustments tab > Add icon

3. In the Exclude VMS Adjustments wizard, we have added the option to exclude HAP adjustments and/or exclude UML adjustments independently of each other. (Case 5245)

Path: Main Menu > VMS > Browse Voucher Management System screen > Wizards icon drop-down list > Exclude Adjustments

4. On the VMS Adjustments screen, we have enabled the Print and Preview icons on these three tabs: Voucher UML/HAP, Income/Expenses, and Disaster UML/HAP. This allows you to print the information as it appears on the screen. (Cases 3692 and 5234)

Path: Main Menu > VMS > Browse Voucher Management System screen > VMS Adjustments screen

Bug Reports

1. VMS-only adjustments were not being assigned an initialization ID during initialization. This in turn prevented them from being processed during initialization and from being included in the VMS Gather or the Update Adjustment Gather. (Case 5230) A related initialization error also prevented VMS-only adjustments from being removed from the unpaid adjustments after initialization. (Case 6306) These have been corrected.

Path: Main Menu > Initialize

2. The Abatement wizard was creating VMS Unit Month Lease adjustments, which it should not create. This has been corrected. (Case 5321)

Path: Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Portable tab > Wizard icon drop-down list > Incoming Abatement

3. If you voided a check that originated from Section 8 Tenant and Landlord, and if you entered a Void Date in the future, the void posted incorrectly to the Check Reconciliation program. Check Reconciliation would show the transaction date as the date you entered the void, not the future effective date. This has been corrected. (Case 1999)

Path: Main Menu > Landlords > Browse Landlords screen > Maintain Landlords screen > Check History tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Void Landlord Checks

Path: Accounts Payable program > Main Menu > Checks > Process Checks screen > Tools icon drop-down list > Void Posted Checks

TransNet - PIC

Program Version:

Program Date: 5/17/2012


1. We have added the Next Flat Rent Date to the Public Housing Late Re-Exam Report. (Case 5813)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > TransNet Reports screen > PIC Reports tab

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An MRI Software Company